Saturday, February 18, 2012

Short post on what's going on

Hey, everyone. I know that I haven't posted in a long long time. Sorry about that.
Anyway, there isn't much in the way of news for the band. With school being as hectic as it has been lately, and the fact that Shannon (not my sister) is now off at a four-year college, there hasn't been much time for the band to meet.
I have, however, been writing alot of new stuff.
I haven't finished alot of it yet, and some of it is just rough chord progressions, but it still works.
I'm writing one about being suffocated by an unhealthy relationship, one about heartbreak, one about not giving up even though there doesn't seem to be hope in sight simply because you're too stubborn to quit, and, oddly enough, one about romantic love, being able to let go of the past, and staying strong through hard times. The last of these, I actually just finished writing.
And their music styles vary. The first one is very dissonant and tense, though it releases some of the tension during the chorus; the second one is very dramatic and grandios; the third one is upbeat and dark, yet triumphant at the same time; and the fourth is much more, oddly enough, on the commercial side, and it's upbeat and happy.
I've found that the musical influences for these songs have ranged everywhere from Korn (alternative metal) to Lacuna Coil (gothic metal) to Nightwish (symphonic metal) to Tears For Fears (pop, soft-rock).
Anyway, that's what's been up.
Oh, and one more thing: Shannon (my sister) Chris and I have become part of a church band named Never Too Young.
We play at a special teen mass once a month, in an attempt to get the youth more involved. It's pretty cool. I play keyboards and do some vocals, Shannon plays guitar, and Chris plays bass, as well as does some vocals.
It's pretty cool. We don't really write our own stuff, we just learn hymns from one of our hymnbooks and play them. So far, we've played Awesome God, I Can Only Imagine, and a few other contemporary christian songs that I don't remember right now.
It's late. I'm tired. I got up too early this morning. Or rather, got to bed too late.
Anyway, I'll do my best to post upcoming news whenever it's available.

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